I obtained my B.S in Software Engineering at Nankai University from 2010-2014 and my Ph.D in software engineering from Tsinghua University from 2014 to 2019 supervised by Prof. Jiaguang Sun and Prof. Ming Gu. My main area of research is static program analysis for bug detection. During 2016-2017, I was a visiting student directed by Prof. Lui Sha, focusing on Medcial CPS for early detection of a special pattern called PSH. Here is my Publications and my Ph.D thesis(Chinese). I have broad interests in any automatic tools and methods to improve software development productivity, such as program analysis technique to find semantic bugs in source code, data-driven software knowledge mining and applications, all kinds of IDE tools.
Work Experience
Software Engineer
- Owner of Checker Module of a bug detection tool & Customer problem consultation
- Build a static bug detection tool for cpp based llvm IR applying value-flow analysis.
- Integrate our tool into CICD platform, currently more than 100 projects using the tool, find more than 1000+ real world bugs.
Junior Software Engineer A
- Tech Owner of HMS Toolkit - SmartCoder
- Leading two Academic Collaboration with Nanjing and Fudan University
- Technology planning of AI4SE
- Build AI and program analysis powered tool(Jetbrains Plugin) for a specific domain, including knowledge querying, code completion and others.
- Tool link
Junior Software Engineer B
- Software Developer of HMS Toolkit - Convertor
- Design system interfaces between different modules
- Automatic generate wrapper code of HMS and GMS
- Tool link
- Academic Collaboration
- Software Design
- Problem Solving
- Good Communication
- Full of Passion
Ph.D in Software EngineeringTsinghua University2014 - 2019
BSc in Software EngineeringNankai University2010 - 2014
- Chinese (Native)
- English (Professional)
- Cooking
- Variety Show